How do I apply for membership with the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland?

Membership of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland is open to all psychiatrists working in Ireland and overseas. Please complete the application form & return to 5 Herbert Street, Dublin 2. Your application can be submitted by post, fax or email.

How do I pay my membership fees?

1. Direct Debit Mandate:
– Contact Jennie Dalton jdalton@irishpsychiatry.ie for a mandate or download here. The subscription fee is deducted on the first Monday in December annually and mandates must be received before 15th November to be included for that subscription year. Mandates received after this date will be saved and setup for the following subscription year.

2. Pay Online – For Membership Renewal
– Go to the MyCollege login page
– Log in to your MyCollege account. If you do not know your MyCollege login, please contact Jennie Dalton jdalton@irishpsychiatry.ie or phone 01 634 4371
– Click the Invoices tab and click Pay beside the relevant invoice

3. Debit / Credit Card:
– please call 01 634 4371 during between 8am and 1.30pm

4. Cheque:
– Payable to College of Psychiatrists of Ireland. Please post cheque to Membership Department, College of Psychiatrists of Ireland, 5 Herbert Street, Dublin 2

I wish to partake further in College business, how do I do this?

The College has many faculties and committees involved in education, examination, training and professional activities. By joining the faculties / committees, you will have the opportunity to contribute and make a real difference to the future direction of the College.

Is the payment of my subscription fees eligible for tax relief?

Yes, the membership subscription is tax deductible in Ireland.

Can the membership subscription fee be reclaimed under CME fund?

Yes absolutely for consultants in receipt of the Continuing Medical Education, CME fund.

I have recently taken up a post in Ireland. Do I need to become a member of the College?

The College offers membership to a body in Ireland who represent the members profession locally. Being a member of the College opens up the opportunity to network with colleagues, senior consultants and specialists in psychiatry nationwide. The College offers many benefits of membership. (see Benefits of Membership)

I have recently taken up a post as a tutor, will this affect my membership?

All educational supervisors and tutors must be members of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland and be registered on the Specialist Division of the Medical Register as maintained by the Medical Council.

I shall be moving overseas, can I maintain my membership?

Yes absolutely. The College offers an Associate Membership rate which is applicable to all psychiatrists who are working outside of Ireland who could benefit from the educational activities of the College. (see Categories of Membership for further details)

I wish to cancel my membership. What do I need to do?

Please email your request to Membership Department in the first instance. Should you wish your membership to be reinstated in the future, an application form will need to be completed and approved by Council. Any arrears will be requested.

For further queries, who do I contact?

Please contact:
– Jennie Dalton, Membership and Database Manager
– 5 Herbert Street, Dublin 2
– Email: jdalton@irishpsychiatry.ie
– Ph: + 1 634 4371